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Transcript: Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders on “Face the Nation,” Jan. 21, 2024




The following is a transcript of an interview with Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders, a Republican, that aired on Jan. 21, 2024.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Welcome back to Face the Nation. We go now to the Republican governor of the state of Arkansas, Sarah Huckabee Sanders. Good morning, Governor.

GOV. SARAH HUCKABEE SANDERS: Good morning, Margaret. It’s great to be with you.

MARGARET BRENNAN: It’s good to talk to you. You are one of the youngest, if not the youngest governor in the state, the first female governor of Arkansas. I want to ask you about a number of things, including the current Arkansas law, we’ve been talking a lot about reproductive health. The law bans abortions except to save the mother’s life in a medical emergency, no exceptions for rape or incest. Your Attorney General has twice recently rejected ballot measures that would repeal the ban and give a limited right to abortion up until 18 weeks of conception. As Governor, are you open to any ballot initiative?

GOV. SANDERS: Look, I’m proud of the fact that Arkansas is one of the most pro-life states in the country. I’m unapologetically pro-life, I believe that we are a culture that protects life, that values life. I think that’s who we are as a country. And I’ll continue to support those measures.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But- I know those are your personal convictions, but would you seek the opinion of your constituents on this? I mean, some of the Attorney General’s objections. One of the things he objected to was replacing the word conception with fertilization. And another one, it was narrowing a medical emergency to threat to physical health and defining it just as that. I mean, they seem to be tweaks. On the premise though, would you be open to seeking the opinion of your constituents in a ballot initiative?

GOV. SANDERS: Arkansas overwhelmingly pro-life state, I’m proud of that fact and proud of where we are. And we’ll continue to push for things that I think protect all innocent human life. It’s why we haven’t just focused on pro-life legislation. But we’ve also done things in the foster and adoption care space. It’s why I’ve spent so much time focusing on education, empowering every single Arkansan to have a great quality of life. We are looking at every aspect and making sure that we’re doing what we can to protect and value life at every stage here in the state of Arkansas.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, it sounds like a no? You wouldn’t want to put it on a ballot?

GOV. SANDERS: I’m not going to put a blanket on anything that could come forward. But as it stands right now, I haven’t seen anything that I would be supportive of.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, your state, you’re talking about the sanctity of life, your state had one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the country, according to the CDC up until about 2021. Arkansas is one of the few states that hasn’t extended postpartum care for mothers. Why don’t you want those moms to get care for a full 12 months, as is being offered, instead of just 60 days?

GOV. SANDERS: Well, I’m gonna have to disagree with the premise of your question saying that I don’t want that. I certainly want us to do everything that we can to help during pregnancy and well after a child is born, which is why we have done things like focus on the foster and adoption care, we’ve put significant funding into our pregnancy crisis centers, we’re focusing on things that help our mothers, including bring your kids to work at state government. We’ve expanded maternity leave for state employees, we included that in our education package. We have taken a number of steps that are very positive in this front. And we’re going to continue to do that as long as I’m governor.

MARGARET BRENNAN: But the states of Mississippi, Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, they did extend for 12 months rather than the 60 days. So, I’m just wondering specifically on that option, why you opted out?

GOV. SANDERS: We’re gonna continue to look at options that we feel like best help people here in the state of Arkansas, we’ve done that in a number of ways and we’re going to continue to do that over the course of hopefully the next seven years while I’m governor of Arkansas.

MARGARET BRENNAN: So, I want to ask you as well about what is happening with the kids in your state. I was interested to see that you are not among the 15 Republican governors who rejected a new federal program to give food assistance to eight million children during the summer months. You opted into that– 

GOV. SANDERS: I did. I– 

MARGARET BRENNAN: — A number of Republican guidance say on premise that- that- that- this- this violates conservative principles. So why are they wrong? And why are you okay with this federal program?

GOV. SANDERS: Well, I want to focus on why I think it helps our state. Arkansas in the past has ranked at the bottom when it comes to food insecurity for children. I don’t think any child should ever go hungry if we have options available to us to help improve that. That’s exactly what we’re going to do. That’s why we’ve opted into this program. We’re going to continue to look for ways to help and protect kids in our state. And I was proud to be part of that program. And we’ll continue to look for options to help move Arkansas out of the bottom when it comes to food insecurity and into the top.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You are, as we said at the get go there, the youngest governor in the country. And I wonder when you look at your party right now, what does it say about the party and about our politics that not only is the President of the United States at such an advanced age, but the Republican front runner Donald Trump, 77 years old here- are these much older individuals, really the new generation that you’ve been calling for?

GOV. SANDERS: I think this election right now is very simple. It’s a very clear contrast, you have two individuals who have a four-year record to run on. One has a record of success coming from a posture and a position of strength in Donald Trump, and one who comes from a position of weakness. Every single thing that voters actually care about, every single thing that drives voters to show up and cast their ballot. Donald Trump is winning on, whether it’s the economy, whether it’s securing the border, whether it’s national security, whether it’s taking a hard line against China, every single one of those major issues that really drive voters, Donald Trump is dominating Joe Biden on, and they both have clear records in which to run from, and I have no doubt that the matchup in November will declare Donald Trump a clear victor because of that- that contrast.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, he’s only four years younger than the president whose age you’ve- you’ve criticized, but your predecessor as governor, Asa Hutchinson, just recently ended his presidential bid and he endorsed Nikki Haley. He said, “Anyone who believes Donald Trump will unite this country has been asleep over the last eight years. Trump intentionally tries to divide America.” Do you honestly, Sarah- Sorry, Governor Sanders, I’m used to calling you Sarah from- from the front row at the White House there? Do you honestly believe Trump is going to unite the country this time, when in the first term, that you were part of, the country was very divided?

GOV. SANDERS: You know, one of the things that I think is so often left out of Donald Trump’s story is the patriotism and the love of country that he brought back. We haven’t seen that in this president– 

MARGARET BRENNAN: — What do you mean by that? 

GOV. SANDERS:– In fact, we’ve seen the total opposite. We see people who believe in America again, who see the strength of our country. We brought back American manufacturing, we secured our border, we had a strong economy, our enemies abroad actually feared us and our allies actually respected us. Instead of the people now are across the- the other side of the world are laughing at us and taking advantage of the weakness of this President. Donald Trump– you know, you joked a minute ago, you called me Sarah, instead of Governor, you know, your colleagues called me a lot of other things. I’ll take Sarah all day over some of the things that the media and the left called me. But when those things were happening, the person who was defending me, empowering me to do my job was Donald Trump. I know that he can deliver again, because he’s done it before. 

MARGARET BRENNAN: No– Governor, I think we’ve always had a respectful exchange, you and I, so I don’t think we’re part of the media group you’re talking about– 

GOV. SANDERS: — I didn’t say you, I was– 

MARGARET BRENNAN:– Right. But- but on the substance of the question, in terms of uniting the country, I mean, some of the policy things you just rattled off, as you know, immigration has been broken for decades. And those border problems were border problems under President Trump. The Middle East policies he had didn’t solve issues. I mean, in fact, we are seeing the conflict in Israel really flare up in a way, he didn’t broker the peace deal he promised. He didn’t get Russia out of Ukraine. She didn’t improve relations with China. So how can you point to that as a- as a high point without recognizing that even he says the work was not finished?

GOV. SANDERS: Well, that’s why we need him to come back for four years because he didn’t get to finish, but he certainly made significant progress. Our border was far more secure under President Trump, than under President Biden, I had the chance to go to the border myself. And while I was there, met with those who are standing on the front lines, including members of the Arkansas National Guard that we deployed, because the federal government is not doing their job, states are having to step up. And in meeting with those individuals, they told us that more people had come across in just that month, just that month on the terrorist watch list than in the entire four years of Donald Trump’s presidency. Donald Trump was actually taking steps to secure our border, to strengthen our country. It’s hard to argue that having a good economy, having safe and secure borders, taking a hard line against China, those are empowering and unifying things for our country–  

MARGARET BRENNAN:– Would you be his VP if asked? 

GOV. SANDERS: — And only- hold on I want to just finish this one point. And only one of two people in the race has actually delivered on each of those things. And it’s Donald Trump, not Joe Biden.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And you’d be open to vetting to be his vice president potentially?

GOV. SANDERS: Look, I absolutely love the job I have. I think it’s one of the best jobs I could ever ask for. And I am honored to serve as governor, and I hope I get to do it for the next seven years.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Next seven years. All right. That sounds like two terms. Maybe a no. Governor Sanders. Thank you. We’ll be right back.

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Justice Department opens civil rights investigation into Mississippi “Goon Squad” sheriff’s office




The Justice Department on Thursday announced it is opening a civil rights investigation into Rankin County, Mississippi, and the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department. A group of the agency’s former officers — who called themselves the “Goon Squad” — pleaded guilty last year to a series of charges for torturing two Black men.

“The public is now well aware of the heinous attack inflicted on two Black men by Rankin County deputies who called themselves the ‘Goon Squad,'” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland in a statement. “Those officers have since been convicted and sentenced, but we are launching this civil pattern or practice investigation to examine serious allegations that the Rankin County Sheriff’s Department systematically violates people’s constitutional rights through excessive use of force; unlawful stops, searches, and arrests; and discriminatory policing.”

Garland said the allegations against the sheriff’s department include overusing tasers, using racial slurs, entering homes illegally and accusations deputies have “deployed dangerous, cruel tactics to assault people in their custody.”

The Justice Department said Rankin County officials have said they will cooperate with the investigation.

The Rankin County Sheriff’s Department made national headlines when five former deputies, along with one former Richland, Mississippi, police officer, were accused of torturing two Black men — Michael Corey Jenkins and Eddie Terrell Parker — in January of 2023.

Mississippi Deputies Sentencing
FThis combination of photos shows, from top left, former Rankin County sheriff’s deputies Hunter Elward, Christian Dedmon, Brett McAlpin, Jeffrey Middleton, Daniel Opdyke and former Richland police officer Joshua Hartfield.

Rogelio V. Solis / AP

All six former officers pleaded guilty to a series of state and federal charges, admitting to breaking into a home without a warrant and torturing Jenkins and Parker for hours, going so far as to shoot one of them in the mouth. The men were also beaten, tased repeatedly and assaulted with a sex toy, prosecutors said.

The group of former officers had arrived at the Braxton, Mississippi, house after a White person called Rankin County Sheriff’s Deputy Brett McAlpin to complain about two Black men staying with a White woman. McAlpin told Christian Dedmon, another deputy, who then texted a group of White deputies internally known for using excessive force who called themselves the “Goon Squad,” according to prosecutors.

McAlpin, Dedmon and fellow former deputies Hunter Elward, Jeffrey Middleton and Daniel Opdyke — along with former Richland police officer Joshua Hartfield — were all sentenced to decades in prison on both state and federal charges earlier this year.

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This week on “Sunday Morning” (September 22)




The Emmy Award-winning “CBS News Sunday Morning” is broadcast on CBS Sundays beginning at 9:00 a.m. ET.  “Sunday Morning” also streams on the CBS News app beginning at 11:00 a.m. ET. (Download it here.) 

Hosted by Jane Pauley

The Cadillac Escalade IQ electric vehicle on the test track at GM’s Milford Proving Ground in Milford, Mich. 

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© and TM E.C. Publications/Courtesy of DC

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  • Cartoonist Steve Brodner
  • MAD and all related elements © and TM E.C. Publications. Courtesy of DC
  • Norman Rockwell images courtesy of Norman Rockwell Museum. © SEPS, Curtis Licensing and/or Norman Rockwell Family Agency
  • Norman Rockwell Museum video footage © Norman Rockwell Museum; all rights reserved. Used with permission.
  • Drone & aerial footage by Richard Sands & Terry Holland

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Since their debut nearly 35 years ago, Pearl Jam has been one of the world’s most popular and influential rock groups. They’ve produced 12 studio albums (including their latest, “Dark Matter”), while also fighting with their label, refusing to make videos, and suing Ticketmaster. In a rare interview, lead singer Eddie Vedder and bassist Jeff Ament talk with correspondent Anthony Mason about success, friendship, creativity, and giving back to their loyal fans.

PREVIEW: Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder on writing songs while surfing

You can stream Pearl Jam’s latest album, “Dark Matter,” by clicking on the embed below (Free Spotify registration required to hear the tracks in full):

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SOCIAL MEDIA via Reuters

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To watch a trailer for “The Substance” click on the video player below:

THE SUBSTANCE | Official Trailer | In Theaters September 20 by

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Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande in the film adaptation of the musical “Wicked.” 

Universal Pictures

“Sunday Morning” previews some of the most anticipated new releases.

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From the archives: The SS United States by
CBS Sunday Morning on

FROM THE ARCHIVES: The SS United States (YouTube Video)
On Friday, September 13, 2024, a federal judge agreed to mediation in a years-long rent dispute case involving the SS United States Conservancy, a group that has sought to preserve the fabled ocean liner. The ship may be destined to be sunk to become an artificial reef in Florida. Watch Mark Strassmann’s Feb. 17, 2013 “Sunday Morning” report about the glamorous history of the ship – longer than the Titanic, faster than any ocean liner, ever – and how it came to inhabit a berth in Philadelphia. 

The Emmy Award-winning “CBS News Sunday Morning” is broadcast on CBS Sundays beginning at 9:00 a.m. ET. Executive producer is Rand Morrison.

DVR Alert! Find out when “Sunday Morning” airs in your city 

“Sunday Morning” also streams on the CBS News app beginning at 11:00 a.m. ET. (Download it here.) 

Full episodes of “Sunday Morning” are now available to watch on demand on, and Paramount+, including via Apple TV, Android TV, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon FireTV/FireTV stick and Xbox. 

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You can also download the free “Sunday Morning” audio podcast at iTunes and at Now you’ll never miss the trumpet!

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Donald Trump and other insiders can now sell shares of DJT, just as stock hits new low




Former President Donald Trump, the biggest shareholder in Trump Media & Technology Group, and other insiders at the Truth Social owner, can finally sell their stakes in the business — just as shares of the stock hit a new low. 

Until today, Trump and other insiders have been unable to sell their stakes, even as the shares enjoyed an initial surge after the company’s public offering in March, providing the company a valuation of more than $9.4 billion. 

That’s because of a so-called lock-up period during which time Trump and other insiders have been unable to sell. Such agreements are common with initial stock sales and are designed to keep executives from immediately selling, thereby flooding the market with available shares and causing a stock to tumble.

Despite its early stock market gains, Trump Media — which trades under the ticker DJT, the same letters as Trump’s initials — has had a largely bumpy reception from Wall Street. 

That path became even rockier on Thursday with DJT shares tumbling 92 cents, or 5.9%, to $14.70, representing a new low for the stock. The lock-up period for Trump and other insiders expired at the end of the trading day, or 4 p.m. Eastern time on September 19.

The slide, which comes even as the market rallied on optimism after the Federal Reserve’s jumbo rate cut, represents an 81% decline from its March high of $79.38.

The lock-up’s expiration now provides Trump and other insiders with a chance to cash out. In Trump’s case, his holdings are worth $1.7 billion — a sizable fortune, yet a far cry from its $6 billion value soon after the company went public.

That slump might not matter to Trump, however, as the former president recently vowed he has “absolutely no intention of selling” his almost 60% stake in the business. But other insiders might be tempted to sell now that the lock-up has ended, with those shareholders ranging from company executives to former “Apprentice” contestants who were earlier involved in the social media business.

Those insiders together own more than 20 million shares, according to the New York Times.

Trump Media & Technology Group didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment. 

“I’m going to buy more”

Trump Media & Technology Group has attracted thousands of small investors who bought shares as a way to express support for the former president. On Thursday, as the stock sank to a new low, some took to Truth Social to urge the stock upward and profess their faith that DJT shares will see better days. 

“I’m going to buy more,” one member of the DJT stock group on Truth Social wrote Thursday. “Prices are ridiculously low … even though I realize nothing is going to happen until Donald J. Trump is back in office.”

Shares of DJT have swung wildly based on news about Trump, as well as the perception of his standing in the presidential race against Vice President Kamala Harris. For instance, after Trump survived an assassination attempt in July, the stock soared 32% as investors recalculated his odds of winning in November. 

Since Harris entered the race on July 21, replacing President Joe Biden, Trump Media shares have shed 58% of their value.

That has prompted some analysts to compare DJT to a meme stock, or companies that trade on social media buzz instead of traditional financial measures such as revenue growth and profitability.

Trump, meanwhile, said that he didn’t create Trump Media or Truth Social for the money. 

“I did it because I really wanted to have a strong voice,” he said last week. “As long as my voice is on there, it’s going to always be good.” 

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