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Scientists think a fungus could conquer invasive buckthorn




People fight buckthorn with everything. They cut them with chain saws, yank out the seedlings, douse stumps with Roundup, imprison them under coffee cans and shovel out the roots. They sic goats on them.

But buckthorn springs back to life like a zombie, a pernicious invasive, with multiple strategies to outcompete native plants and take over a landscape.

Now University of Minnesota scientists are studying whether they can turn the plant on itself, exploiting an orange fungus that buckthorn hosts. If they succeed, the result could be the first environmentally friendly natural biocontrol, other than hungry goats, for a famously tough-to-kill plant.

Researchers tried for years to find an insect to do the job, with no success. Meanwhile, the invasion of buckthorn and its removal is estimated to have cost Minnesota millions, not including all the hard-to-quantify impacts from lost native biodiversity, said Mike Schuster, an invasive plant specialist in the university’s Department of Forest Resources.

The new potential ally is crown rust, or Puccinia coronata, a fungus found on most buckthorn plants in the state. Crown rust is a notorious attacker of wheat, oats and barley that’s been studied for more than 100 years, but never for the potential to control its buckthorn host, said Pablo Olivera Firpo, the U plant pathologist leading the project.

Crown rust starts out looking like orange measles on buckthorn then grows into raised cluster cups, a mass of little spore-spreading tubes. Some of the masses resemble a fuzzy caterpillar crawling up a stem.

“Can the rust suppress the growth of seedlings … or kill them?” That’s the question that preoccupies Olivera Firpo.

Trouble is, nobody knows how many of the 17 known crown rust species in the world exist in Minnesota, or which ones are most destructive to buckthorn. Olivera Firpo’s team plans to figure that out with a three-year $364,000 grant from the Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center, supported by the lottery-funded Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund.

If they find a suitable strain that doesn’t affect crops, researchers plan to attack the buckthorn using a mat of straw infected with the fungus. After buckthorn trees and shrubs have been hacked down, the mat would be spread over the area to stop the prolific seedlings from re-sprouting.

“In an ideal world, that’s the product,” said Nick Greatens, a post-doctoral researcher on the project.

For now, Greatens and the team are collecting hundreds of samples of crown rust-infected buckthorn plants. Common buckthorn, the most prevalent in Minnesota, and glossy buckthorn are the two species brought to Minnesota in the 1800s as ornamental shrubs and privacy hedges. The state restricts them as noxious weeds.

A laboratory on the U’s St. Paul campus holds a collection of rust-infected buckthorn leaves and twigs from William O’Brien State Park, Brown’s Creek State Trail in Stillwater and Reservoir Woods Park in Roseville, among other places.

Researchers vacuum up spores, freeze the samples, extract the DNA and sequence it to identify the species. Then they will inoculate buckthorn seedlings to find the types that best suppress seedling growth.

Olivera Firpo’s team is not the only one probing fungi as a buckthorn biocontrol. Across the hall, a separate team with another Minnesota Invasive Terrestrial Plants and Pests Center grant takes a broader approach. They are sleuthing out dying buckthorn plants around the state and studying the organisms killing them to see if they could be exploited for biocontrol. They’re not targeting crown rust, but different fungi that cause cankers on the plant and also wilt pathogens, said Robert Blanchette, the plant pathologist leading that project.

The answers can’t come fast enough.

Everything about buckthorn seems designed to make it thrive. The berries on female plants contain a laxative ensuring birds spread it widely, and the roots emit a chemical in the soil that inhibits other plants.

Alexandra “Sascha” Lodge, terrestrial invasive species coordinator at the Department of Natural Resources Forestry Division, would welcome an assist from a native fungi. Because buckthorn is shade tolerant, it proliferates in forests where it quickly crowds out other plants and wildlife. The department treats state forest lands for buckthorn the year before a timber harvest.

Buckthorn is a nightmare to remove, said James Shaffer, natural resources supervisor for the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board. He’d love a non-herbicide option: “I’ve been hoping to see something like this pop up.”

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Patrol IDs driver critically hurt after hitting Iron Range school bus




The Minnesota State Patrol has identified the motorist whose SUV hit a school bus taking kids to their Iron Range school.

The patrol said 19-year-old Svea Lynn Snickers, of Alborn, Minn., ran a stop sign at the intersection and hit the bus as it headed north on Hwy. 5. She was last reported to be in critical condition.

The collision occurred just east of Hibbing about 7:50 a.m. Thursday at the intersection of Hwy. 5 and Town Line Road, according to the State Patrol.

All 21 children heading to Cherry School suffered minor injuries when the bus flipped over about 7 miles southwest of its destination, the patrol said. The school serves about 600 students from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade, and students of all ages were on the bus, said St. Louis County Schools Superintendent Reggie Engebritson.

A witness told Hibbing police that students were able to crawl out of the bus on their own.

Snickers suffered critical injuries, was extricated from the wreckage by emergency responders and taken by air ambulance to Essentia Hospital in nearby Virginia, according to police.

The bus driver, 52-year-old Shawn Allen Lindula, of Iron, Minn., was expected to survive his injuries.

Star Tribune staff writer Jana Hollingsworth contributed to this report.

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St. Louis Park requires landlords to give tenants more notice before eviction




St. Louis Park will soon require landlords to give renters more notice before they file for evictions over late payments.

The city currently requires landlords to give tenants notice seven days before they file for eviction. Starting in November, landlords will have to give 30 days notice and use a form prepared by the city.

“This is a tough ordinance,” Council Member Lynette Dumalag, the only person to vote against the change, said during a meeting this week. “At least for me, personally, I felt that it pit those that care about affordable housing against one another.”

In public hearings and other forums, city leaders heard from renters who said the current requirements didn’t give them enough time to scrape together payments if they face a sudden hardship, such as losing a job. They also heard from at least one landlord who said he might have to increase deposits because he already struggles to make ends meet when renters fall behind on payments.

The change passed 4 to 1. Council Member Tim Brausen and Mayor Nadia Mohamed were absent.

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Park Rapids mayor resigns, vacancy declared




PARK RAPIDS, Minn. — Ryan Leckner has resigned as Mayor of Park Rapids and the city council has officially declared a vacancy.

City Administrator Angel Weasner said councilmembers will hold a workshop on Sept. 24 to determine how to proceed. They can fill the vacancy by appointment or hold a special election, which Leckner said seems unlikely given that the November general election is just around the corner.

Until then, Leckner said “we’re thinking that we’ll just be able to get by with just one less council member.”

He added that Councilmember Liz Stone would likely serve as acting mayor until voters hit the polls.

Former Park Rapids Mayor Pat Mikesh is running uncontested for Leckner’s now-vacant seat.

In 2018, Mikesh stepped down a month before the election and Leckner successfully ran as a write-in candidate.

Leckner first joined the council in 2015 and is ending his third, two-year term as mayor early because his family built a home outside city limits. Construction of the home in Henrietta Township, and the sale of his existing home in Park Rapids, all happened faster than expected, he said.

“My term was up in November anyways,” he said, “so I was kind of planning on just not running.”

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