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80 countries at Swiss conference agree Ukraine’s territorial integrity must be basis of any peace




Eighty countries called Sunday for the “territorial integrity” of Ukraine to be the basis for any peace agreement to end Russia’s two-year war, though some key developing nations at a Swiss conference did not join in — and the way forward for diplomacy remains unclear.

The joint communique capped a two-day conference at the Bürgenstock resort in Switzerland that was marked by the absence of Russia, which was not invited. Many attendees expressed hope that Russia might join in on a roadmap to peace some time in the future.

The all-out war since President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has killed or injured hundreds of thousands of people, unsettled markets for goods like grain and fertilizer, driven millions from their homes and carved a wedge between the West — which has sanctioned Moscow over the war — and Russia, China and some other countries.

About 100 delegations, mostly Western countries but also some key developing nations, were on hand for the conference that was billed as a first step toward peace at a time when the warring countries are seemingly as far apart as ever.

The event included presidents and prime ministers from France, Germany, Britain, Japan, Poland, Argentina, Ecuador, Kenya and Somalia. The Holy See was also represented, and Vice President Kamala Harris spoke for the United States.

India, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates — which were represented by foreign ministers or lower-level envoys — were among the countries that did not sign the final document, which focused on issues of nuclear safety, food security and the exchange of prisoners. Brazil, an “observer,” did not sign on but Turkey did.

The final document said the U.N. Charter and “respect for territorial integrity and sovereignty … can and will serve as a basis for achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine.” That has been a nonstarter for Putin, who wants Ukraine to even cede more territory and back away from its long-laid hopes to join the NATO military alliance.

Viola Amherd, the Swiss president who hosted the event, told a final news conference the “great majority” of participants agreed to the final document, which “shows what diplomacy can achieve.” Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said Switzerland would reach out to Russian authorities, but cagily declined to specify what the message would be.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy hailed the “first steps toward peace” at the meeting, and said the joint communique remains “open for accession by everyone who respects the U.N. Charter.”

He also said Ukraine was in talks with some countries, which he did not name, that had offered to host a “second peace summit” — but no timetable was laid out. Zelenskyy earlier this month accused China, backed by Russia, of attempting to undermine the Swiss conference, a claim denied by Beijing.

The Swiss and allies of Ukraine now face the task of trying to keep up momentum toward peace that could be soon be drowned out by bombs and battlefield developments, which in recent months have included some Russian territorial gains in the north and east.

Zelenskyy said national security advisers would meet in the future, and “there will be a specific plan” afterward.

Testifying to both war fatigue and other preoccupations that have emerged in recent months, only about half of U.N. member countries took part. It’s a far cry from March 2022, when condemnation of Russia’s invasion led to passage of a non-binding resolution at the U.N. General Assembly by 141 countries calling for Russian troops to leave Ukraine.

It wasn’t fully clear why some developing countries on hand didn’t line up behind the final statement, but they may be hesitant to rankle Russia or have cultivated a middle ground between Moscow, its ally China, and Western powers backing Kyiv.

At the Swiss event, the challenge was to talk tough on Russia, but open the door for it to join a peace initiative.

“Many countries … wanted the involvement of representatives of the Russian Federation,” Zelenskyy said. “At the same time, the majority of the countries do not want to shake hands with them (Russian leaders) … so there are various opinions in the world.”

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive Commission, said the conference was rightly entitled “Path to Peace” because peace won’t be achieved in a single step.

“It was not a peace negotiation because Putin is not serious about ending the war. He is insisting on capitulation. He is insisting on ceding Ukrainian territory — even territory that today is not occupied by him,” she said. “He is insisting on disarming Ukraine, leaving it vulnerable to future aggression. No country would ever accept these outrageous terms.”

Breaking down the U.S.-Ukraine security deal


Analysts suspected the two-day conference would have little concrete impact toward ending the war because Russia, was not invited. China, which did not attend, and Brazil have jointly sought to plot alternative routes toward peace.

Qatar’s prime minister, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, said Saturday that his rich Gulf country hosted talks with both Ukrainian and Russian delegations on the reunification of Ukrainian children with their families that has so far resulted in 34 children being reunited.

The Ukrainian government believes that 19,546 children have been deported or forcibly displaced, and Russian Children’s Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova has previously confirmed that at least 2,000 were taken from Ukrainian orphanages.

Montenegro Prime Minister Milojko Spajic told the gathering Sunday: “As a father of three, I’m deeply concerned by thousands of Ukrainian kids forcibly transferred to Russia or Russia-occupied territories of Ukraine.”

“We all at this table need to do more so that children of Ukraine are back in Ukraine,” he added.

Many countries saw the talks as a matter of principle, in part to uphold international law.

Kenyan President William Ruto called Russia’s invasion of Ukraine “a horrible and horrifying spectacle of carnage and devastation,” and said his government has been unequivocal in condemning the aggression.

In Kyiv, at a regular demonstration by relatives of soldiers captured by Russia, the response to the Swiss gathering was muted.

“I would really like to believe that this (conference) will have an impact, but some very important countries did not sign the communique,” said Yana Shyrokyh, 56, whose army serviceman son has been in captivity since 2022. “I would really like them to find powerful levers of influence on Russia.”

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George Latimer wins NY-16 primary, CBS News projects, beating incumbent Jamaal Bowman




NEW YORK – CBS News projects George Latimer has won the closely watched Democratic Primary Election in New York’s 16th Congressional District, beating incumbent Jamaal Bowman.

It was the most expensive House primary race in U.S. history: More than $25 million was raised and spent. 

A recent Emerson College poll showed Latimer, who got into the race in December, pulling significantly ahead of Bowman 48%-31%, with 21% of voters undecided.   

The race divided prominent Democrats. House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries, Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsed Bowman, while Latimer was endorsed by former first lady and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a Westchester County resident, as well as Rep. Josh Gottheimer of New Jersey along with former Bowman ally Mondaire Jones.

What’s at stake

The race has been highly scrutinized because it was viewed as a battle between the Democratic party’s left and centrist wings. A core distinction between Bowman and Latimer was their approaches on the Israel-Hamas war. Bowman, the incumbent, has been highly critical of Israel’s response to the Oct. 7 Hamas attack, and has called for a cease-fire

Latimer currently serves as the Westchester County Executive. He is broadly supportive of Israel since the attack, even visiting the country. 

Another point of interest for political observers is that Bowman is also a member of the so-called “Squad,” which includes Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ilhan Omar. Bowman is the first member of the “Squad” to lose a race, unseated by a centrist. 

“One side has tremendous resources, and the other side has organizing ability. What we’ll see here is if the money outweighs the bodies on the streets, and it’s likely that the money will,” political strategist Hank Sheinkopf said. 

Sprint to the finish

Meanwhile, it was a sprint to the finish for both candidates, who had busy days. Bowman visited various polling centers, whereas Latimer focused his time at local businesses. 

“This is the many versus the money. We can not let big money come into our district and buy our district,” Bowman said. 

“The people on the far left, the Squad, are about making statements, and sort of trying to move the dialogue. I’m not worried about moving dialogue. I want to see if we can solve problems,” Latimer said. 

Voters get their say

The torrent of ads appeared to affect some, but others said it’s everyday issues and day-to-day performance informing their decisions.   

“Some people said vote for Bowman, but then why is he getting so much negative press?” one voter said, who added that the ads had influenced their decision. 

“Healthcare is always a thing. Crime is always an issue,” voter Jacob Mobley said. 

“Someone who is loyal, consistent, and doesn’t just show up be voted in, but someone who is actually going to be here consistently, said voter Zamirah El-Amin. 

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Lauren Boebert wins crowded House primary new district in Colorado, AP calls the race




Which opponents of Lauren Boebert scored points in debate? Watch Left, Right, Center

Which opponents of Lauren Boebert scored points in debate? Watch Left, Right, Center


Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert has emerged victorious in the primary election in her new Colorado district, according to the Associated Press. The controversial Congresswoman defeated five GOP opponents in a competitive primary in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District and will be favored win the seat in November’s general election.

Rep. Lauren Boebert during CBS Colorado’s CD4 Republican primary debate.


Boebert won with slightly more than 44% of the vote with 60% of the votes counted.

Boebert currently represents the 3rd Congressional District in Colorado but made the decision to run in the heavily conservative District 4 after Rep. Ken Buck stepped down earlier this year. CD4 includes much of the eastern part of the state as well as Loveland and Windsor (both in Northern Colorado) and Douglas County (in the southern part of the Denver metro area). Nearly half of voters in the district are in Douglas County, where CBS Colorado Political Specialist Shaun Boyd says Republicans are “less MAGA and more mainstream.” While there are nearly twice as many Republicans as Democrats in the county, former President Donald Trump only won Douglas County by 7 points in 2020. Overall, Trump lost Colorado by 13 points in 2020.

Boebert abandoned her seat in CD3 after nearly losing to Democrat Adam Frisch in 2022. When she announced that she would run for a different district in January, said the move was being done after “a pretty difficult year for me and my family.” That included going through a divorce.

During her campaign Boebert touted her endorsement from Trump and spoken at length about immigration issues. During a CBS Colorado debate last month she claimed that undocumented immigrants are overwhelming systems and services in this country and called for mass deportations.

“Build the wall, deport them all,” she said, in a line she has repeated throughout her campaign.

During CBS Colorado’s debate several of Boebert’s opponents spoke of their farming and ranching backgrounds and in doing so indirectly highlighted Boebert’s newcomer status to the district. Only candidate Deborah Flora, a conservative radio talk show host, attacked Boebert for her move, criticizing her for “abandoning her neighbors in CD3.”

Flora described the controversial congresswoman as someone who is more concerned with being in the national spotlight than representing Coloradans.

“We’ve seen how Lauren Boebert would represent us … missing key votes while chasing cameras and being in the center of D.C. drama instead of delivering real solutions for the people,” she said.

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Here’s a look at the top stories making headlines on the “CBS Evening News with Norah O’Donnell.”

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