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Fani Willis hired Trump 2020 election case prosecutor — with whom she’s accused of having affair — after 2 others said no




Editor’s Note: This report includes reporting from “FIND ME THE VOTES: A Hard-Charging Georgia Prosecutor, a Rogue President, and the Plot to Steal and American Election,” by Michael Isikoff and Daniel Klaidman, which will be published on Jan. 30, 2024 by Twelve, an imprint of The Grand Central Publishing Group. Klaidman is an investigative producer for CBS News.

Georgia Grand Jury Delivers Indictment In 2020 Election Case
File: Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis (center); special prosecutor Nathan Wade (right), on Aug. 14, 2023, in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

When Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney Fani Willis spoke at a historically Black church in Atlanta last Sunday, she gave a full-throated defense of Nathan Wade, a private lawyer whom she appointed to lead her 2020 election interference case against former President Donald Trump – and with whom she’s accused of having an affair. 

She lauded him as “a superstar” with “impeccable credentials” who is uniquely qualified to handle the complex prosecution, leaving unsaid that Wade was at best her third choice for the high-stakes job. Willis, unable to find someone in the DA’s office with the stature and credentials needed for the case, turned to at least two other legal heavy hitters in Atlanta before settling on Wade, as set out in “Find Me the Votes,” a new book about the investigation into the alleged conspiracy to subvert the 2020 election.

Willis initially approached Roy Barnes, the former governor of Georgia and one of the state’s premier lawyers, to serve as the senior counsel on the case.  But he turned her down.  She then tried Gabe Banks, a former federal prosecutor and highly respected Atlanta criminal defense lawyer. Banks also wasn’t interested. 

Neither Barnes nor Banks wanted to plunge into such an all-consuming case at the expense of their lucrative law practices, as laid out in the book. But the two were even more concerned about the inevitable threats that would come with such a politically incendiary case. Barnes declined to discuss his conversations with Willis, but nodded to those concerns in an interview: “Hypothetically speaking, do you want a bodyguard following you around for the rest of your life?” Banks declined comment.     

Who is Nathan Wade?

Ultimately, Willis turned to Wade, who had been a friend and mentor over the years and whom she told colleagues had the toughness to handle the scorched-earth legal tactics that Trump’s lawyers and their co-counsel were likely to employ in the legal battle.  

Wade was not brought on to be the lead courtroom lawyer in the case, a source close to the case said. It was always anticipated that he would play a more behind-the-scenes role — organizing the sprawling investigation, running the grand jury process and hammering out immunity deals. He is always a presence in the courtroom, with natty attire that includes colorful pocket squares and occasionally ascots. But he generally defers to deputies for courtroom arguments. 

Earlier this month, Willis was accused in a court filing of having an affair with Wade and joining him on lavish vacations allegedly paid for with taxpayer funds. The allegation of the affair has thrown a harsh spotlight on Willis’ decision to hire Wade in the first place and raised questions about whether it was influenced by her alleged personal relationship with him. It has also raised embarrassing questions for Wade about his abilities as a lawyer and whether he was out of his depth in one of the most high-profile legal cases in the country.

None of those thorny issues likely would have emerged had it not been for the bombshell legal motion filed on behalf of one of Trump’s 14 co-defendants in the Georgia case. The former director of the Trump campaign’s 2020 Election Day operations, Michael Roman, alleged in the motion that while Willis and Wade were carrying on an “improper, clandestine personal relationship,” she paid him more than $650,000 to work on the case and that some of that money was used for trips to Napa Valley, Florida and Caribbean cruises they took together. (The motion provided no concrete proof of the allegations and Willis has yet to address them directly.) Now the tawdry allegations threaten to upend the case, and scrutiny of Wade’s role in the case is only mounting.

What are Nathan Wade’s credentials?

Wade’s reputation as a lawyer in Georgia presents a mixed picture because there is no doubt that his resume is thin when it comes to criminal law. He had no experience trying complex felony cases, let alone a multi-defendant racketeering prosecution like the one he is now in charge of.   

His criminal work appears to be limited to relatively minor misdemeanor and traffic cases that he handled both as prosecutor in the Cobb County solicitor general’s office and later as a municipal judge in Marietta, Ga. Those cases almost always ended in plea deals rather than trials. 

“He was a super competent judge; he was timely, efficient with the docket and respectful,” said Holly Waltman, a criminal defense lawyer who practiced before Wade when he was a judge. 

In private practice, his bread and butter was civil litigation, contract law and family disputes. By most accounts he acquitted himself well with those kinds of cases.  

There is one group of Atlantans who have seen Wade demonstrate his legal abilities at great length: the members of the Fulton County Special Purpose Grand Jury, who in the end recommended that Trump and 18 other co-defendants be charged with election conspiracy. Wade ran the grand jury process for Willis over more than six months, guiding the jurors through hundreds of hours of testimony, thousands of documents and a thicket of legal and evidentiary issues.  

Interviews with some of those grand jurors indicate they were impressed with Wade. One member of the panel, the only lawyer among them, told CBS News Wade was “in command” and “highly skilled.”  The source, who asked not to be identified discussing what occurred inside the grand jury room, described Wade as a deft performer in front of the grand jury.  

“He had a lightness of tone when that was appropriate and was very serious when it was time to be serious,” the grand juror said.

Wade was also impeccably prepared, according to the source.  On more than one occasion, he demonstrated that with recalcitrant witnesses.  A critical witness for the grand jury was Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffesnperger, who received the Jan. 2, 2020, call in which Trump pressured him to “find” the 11,780 votes he needed to overturn the election. 

When he was questioned by the deputy foreperson about whether he felt threatened when Trump told him he could be committing a “criminal offense” by not reversing the results of the election, Raffensperger bobbed and weaved and avoided answering the question. Wade leapt up from his chair to do cleanup. In his hands was a copy of a book Raffensperger had published the year before that recounted the infamous phone call with Trump.  Wade turned to the relevant page and began reading out loud: “Now President Trump is using the power of his position to threaten . . . me with prosecution if we don’t do what he tells us to do.” Wade asked Raffensperger if he’d indeed written that. Raffensperger said he had. Wade then asked if he stood by those words. The secretary of state said he did.

Underlying the accusation against Willis is that she showed favoritism toward Wade at the expense of her constituents interests and the administration of justice.  But there is at least some evidence that Wade was subjected to Willis’ same exacting standards — and even wrath — as the rest of her team.  

“Find Me the Votes,” recounts a scene from February 2023 when Willis asked for a presentation of the evidence in the case from her prosecutors. Wade and his deputies presented a PowerPoint of the charges they were contemplating bringing against Trump and his alleged co-conspirators.  

Willis was underwhelmed and she let Wade and the others know it, letting loose with a string of profanities.  “No, y’all aren’t even close,” she told them. “This is f****** terrible. Get the f*** out of here.” She then brusquely walked out of the office by herself, leaving Wade and the rest of his team shaken.  

But in her remarks last Sunday, Willis made it clear that she had no misgivings about hiring Wade and raised the idea that those who criticized her for it were motivated by race.

“I appointed three special counsels, as is my right to do. Paid them all the same hourly rate,” Ms. Willis said. “They only attacked one.”

Willis went on to openly accuse her detractors of racism, of attacking “this lawyer of impeccable credentials.” 

She ran through the resume of “the Black man I chose,” noting he has served as a judge, private attorney, prosecutor, criminal defense lawyer and special attorney general. Willis wondered aloud, “I’m just asking God, is it that some will never see Black man as qualified, no matter his achievements? What more can one achieve?”

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Transcript: Sen. Mark Kelly on “Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan,” Oct. 6, 2024




The following is a transcript of an interview with Sen. Mark Kelly, Democrat of Arizona, on “Face the Nation with Margaret Brennan” that aired on Oct. 6, 2024.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Joining us now is Arizona’s Democratic Senator, Mark Kelly. He’s in Detroit this morning on the campaign trail for the Harris campaign. Good morning to you, Senator.

SEN. MARK KELLY: Good morning, Margaret.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I want to talk to you about Arizona, but let’s start in Michigan, which is where you are right now. And it is going to be such a key state to a potential Harris or Trump victory. Vice President Harris is facing challenges among black men, working class people, as well as the Muslim and Arab populations skeptical of the White House support for Israel’s wars. What are you hearing on the ground there from voters?

SEN. KELLY: Well, my wife, Gabby Giffords, and I have been out here for a couple days. We’ve been campaigning across the country, Michigan, I’ve been in North Carolina, Georgia as well. I’ll be back to Arizona here soon. The vice president was out here speaking to Muslim organizations and the Arab community about what is at stake in this election and addressing the concerns that they have. What we’re hearing, issues about the economy, about gun violence, about, you know, supporting American families and the difference between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. You know, Kamala Harris, who has a vision for the future of this country, Donald Trump, who just wants to drag us backwards.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Today in Dearborn, Michigan, there’s a funeral service for an American man who was killed in Lebanon by an Israeli airstrike. It just underscores how that community you’re talking about out in Michigan feel some of what’s happening in a personal way to their community. Given how close this race is, do you think this war and the expectation it could escalate could cost Democrats both a seat in the Senate and potentially the presidency?

SEN. KELLY: Margaret, nobody wants to see escalation and it’s tragic when any innocent person, whether it’s an American or Palestinian, lose their life in a conflict. Tomorrow’s one year since October 7th, when Israel was violently attacked. Israel has a right to defend itself, not only from Hamas, but from Hezbollah and from the Iranians. But, you know, I and my wife, you know, we feel for the community here who’s been affected by this. And that’s why the vice president was out here earlier, a few days ago, meeting with that community. 

MARGARET BRENNAN: But it’s a live issue.

SEN. KELLY: Yeah, sure. I mean, there is an ongoing conflict in the Middle East. Israel is, you know, fighting a war now on, I think it’s fair to say, two fronts and then being attacked by the Iranians as well. And, they- they need to defend themselves, and we need to support our Israeli ally. At the same time, when women and children lose their life, innocent people in a conflict, it is- it is tragic.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You do sit on the Senate Intelligence Committee and so I know you know how intense the efforts are by foreign actors to try to manipulate voters going into November. Just this Friday, Matthew Olsen, the lead on election threats at the Department of Justice, told CBS the Russians are, quote, highlighting immigration as a wedge issue. That is such a key issue in Arizona. Are you seeing targeted information operations really focusing in on Arizonans right now?

SEN. KELLY: Not only in Arizona, in other battleground states. It’s the Russians, the Chinese, the Iranians, and it’s significant. And we need to do a better job getting the message out to the American people that there is a huge amount of misinformation. If you’re looking at stuff on Twitter, on TikTok, on Facebook, on Instagram, and it’s political in nature, and you may- might think that that person responding to that political article or who made that meme up is an American. It could be- it could look like a U.S. service member. There is a very reasonable chance I would put it in the 20 to 30% range, that the content you are seeing, the comments you are seeing, are coming from one of those three countries: Russia, Iran, China. We had a hearing recently, with the FBI director, the DNI, and the head of the National Security Agency. And we talked about this. And we talked about getting the word out. And it’s up to us, so thank you for asking me the question, because it’s up to us, the people who serve in Congress and the White House to get the information out there, that there is a tremendous amount of misinformation in this election, and it’s not going to stop on November 5th.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Understood. And we will do our best to help parse that for viewers. But on the topic of the border, President Biden did announce just this past week new regulations to keep in place that partial asylum ban that he rolled out back in June. That’s what’s credited with helping to bring down some of the border crossing numbers in recent weeks. It was supposed to be a temporary policy, dependent on how many people were crossing at a time. Do you think this is the right long term policy, or is this just a gimmick to bring down numbers ahead of the election?

SEN. KELLY: Well, the right long term policy is to do this through legislation. And we were a day or two away from doing that, passing strong border security legislation supported by the vice president, negotiated by the vice president, and the president and his Department of Homeland Security, with Democrats and Republicans– 

MARGARET BRENNAN: But this is not legislation. 

SEN. KELLY: –This is bipartisan. This isn’t. But the legislation was killed by Donald Trump. We were really close to getting it passed. That’s the correct way to do this. When you can’t do that, Margaret, when a former president interrupts the legislative process the way he did, which is the most hypocritical thing I’ve ever seen in my three and a half years in the Senate. After that happened, the only other option is executive actions. And this has gone from what was chaos and a crisis at our southern border to somewhat manageable. And if you’re the border- Border Patrol, you know, this is this- you need this. I mean, otherwise it is unsafe for Border Patrol agents, for CBP officers, for migrants, for communities in southern Arizona. So it’s unfortunate that this was the- these were the steps that had to be taken. 


SEN. KELLY: But that’s because the former president didn’t allow us to do this through legislation. 

MARGARET BRENNAN: Senator, we have to leave it right there. Face the Nation will be right back.

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Hosted by Jane Pauley. In our cover story, Robert Costa talks with election officials about threats to your right to vote. Plus: Tracy Smith talks with pop music icon Sabrina Carpenter; Ben Mankiewicz sits down with “Matlock” star Kathy Bates; Kelefa Sanneh interviews pop star and Louis Vuitton’s creative director of its men’s collection Pharrell Williams; Dr. Jon LaPook goes behind the scenes of Delia Ephron’s new Broadway play, “Left on Tenth”; Lee Cowan reports on a young autistic man’s creation of a six-movement symphony; and Seth Doane explores how the National Library of Israel and the Palestinian Museum are collecting artwork and other materials documenting the October 7th Hamas attack and its aftermath.

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Sen. Mark Kelly says Americans need to know about “huge amount of misinformation” on election




Sen. Mark Kelly says Americans need to know about “huge amount of misinformation” on election – CBS News

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In the wake of the Department of Justice warning that Russians are using immigration as a wedge issue for American voters, Sen. Mark Kelly tells “Face the Nation” with Margaret Brennan that “we need to do a better job getting the message out there that there is a huge amount of misinformation” as Election Day approaches.

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