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Regretful Wisconsin fake elector says he was tricked into signing phony document claiming Trump won in 2020




The month after the presidential election in 2020, Democratic and Republican electors representing the candidate who won the popular vote in their states gathered across the country to formally cast electoral votes for president. 

But in seven states that Joe Biden won, Republican electors got together anyway and cast phony votes for Donald Trump. They’ve become known as fake electors. And according to federal prosecutors, they were part of a plan to overturn the election, orchestrated by pro-Trump attorneys with Trump’s support. State criminal charges have been filed against fake electors in Georgia, Michigan and Nevada.

Wisconsin’s fake electors haven’t been charged, and several weeks ago, one of them, Andrew Hitt, an attorney and former chairman of the state Republican Party, agreed to sit down with us to explain how he says he and Wisconsin’s other GOP electors were tricked by the Trump campaign.

Anderson Cooper: You were head of the Republican Party in Wisconsin. Were you a big Trump supporter?

Andrew Hitt: I worked tirelessly for him. I, you know, day and night–

Andrew Hitt
Andrew Hitt

60 Minutes

ANDREW HITT: Let’s put it together for the president of the United States one more time! 

Andrew Hitt: — oftentimes phone calls would start by 6:00 in the morning, and wouldn’t end until 10:30 at night. I did everything I possibly could.

DONALD TRUMP: The Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Andrew Hitt.

Andrew Hitt was often singled out by President Trump at rallies in Wisconsin.

DONALD TRUMP: Andrew Hitt!

DONALD TRUMP: Andrew Hitt!

DONALD TRUMP: How we doing, Andrew? Gonna win this state? We gotta win it. 

But Trump didn’t win in Wisconsin. He lost to Joe Biden by some 20,700 votes. The Trump campaign appealed, challenging more than 200,000 absentee ballots on technical grounds in two Democratic counties.

RUDY GIULIANI: If you count the lawful votes, Trump won Wisconsin by a good margin.

Andrew Hitt: That was false. What he said was false.

Anderson Cooper: The Trump campaign wanted the votes in Dane County and Milwaukee County tossed. Did you support that idea?

Andrew Hitt: – it wasn’t something that I was comfortable with.

Anderson Cooper: Dane County and Milwaukee County in Wisconsin– are the most liberal counties. The majority of the Black population in Wisconsin live in those two counties. 

Andrew Hitt: Correct. Correct.

Anderson Cooper: Personally, you did not believe all those absentee ballots should be thrown out?

Andrew Hitt: Well, I voted that way, you know. I voted that way. 

Anderson Cooper: You didn’t think your own vote should be thrown out?

Andrew Hitt: No. 

On Nov. 30, Wisconsin’s Democratic Gov. Tony Evers certified Joe Biden’s victory — authorizing the state’s Democratic electors to gather at the state capitol on Dec. 14 to cast their electoral votes for Biden.

But days earlier Andrew Hitt says he received a call from the Republican National Committee.

Anderson Cooper: What was the reach out to you?

Andrew Hitt: “Can we get a list of the Wisconsin Republican electors?”

Anderson Cooper: That made you suspicious?

Andrew Hitt: It did.

Andrew Hitt: I was already concerned that they were gonna try to say that the Democratic electors were not proper in Wisconsin because of fraud.

Anderson Cooper: You didn’t believe there was any widespread fraud–

Andrew Hitt: No, and I was very involved, obviously, in the election.

Hitt was one of 10 republicans nominated to be an elector if Trump won in Wisconsin. On Dec. 4, he says, he was advised by the state GOP’s outside legal counsel to gather the other Republican electors on Dec. 14 at the Capitol and as a contingency, sign a document claiming Trump won the state in case a court overturned the election in Wisconsin.

Anderson Cooper: In case the legal arguments that the Trump team is making actually win in court? 

Andrew Hitt: Right. And I remember asking, “How– how can this be? That a court overturns the election and, just because we don’t meet and fill out this paperwork on the 14th, that Trump would forfeit Wisconsin?” And the– legal analysis back was, “The statute’s very clear: The electors have to meet at noon at the Capitol in Wisconsin on December 14th.”

Andrew Hitt and Anderson Cooper
Andrew Hitt and Anderson Cooper

60 Minutes

That morning the state Supreme Court — in a 4-3 ruling — rejected the Trump campaign’s attempt to throw out more than 200,000 votes. But Andrew Hitt says he and the other Republican electors met anyway to cast fake votes because he’d been told the Trump campaign would appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court. Kenneth Chesebro, a pro-Trump attorney — who was an alleged architect of the fake electors plan — showed up to watch.

Andrew Hitt: We got specific advice from our lawyers that these documents were meaningless unless a court said they had meaning.

Anderson Cooper: You are deciding to sign this document as an elector, and getting the other electors to sign this document based on a court challenge that you yourself don’t believe has legitimacy.

Andrew Hitt: I wouldn’t say it doesn’t have legitimacy– that’s different than not personally agreeing with it.

Anderson Cooper: You personally don’t believe that legitimate votes by Wisconsin residents should be tossed out. And yet, you are signing a document in support of a lawsuit which is alleging just that. 

Andrew Hitt: And if I didn’t do that, and the court did throw out those votes, it would have been solely my fault that Trump wouldn’t have won Wisconsin. 

DONALD TRUMP: Ah, beautiful kids Andrew. Good. Good. I’m going to blame you Andrew if they don’t do it.

Andrew Hitt: Can you imagine the repercussions on myself, my family, if it was me, Andrew Hitt, who prevented Donald Trump from winning Wisconsin. 

Anderson Cooper: You’re saying you were scared? 

Andrew Hitt: Absolutely.

Anderson Cooper: Scared of Trump supporters in your state? 

Andrew Hitt: It was not a safe time. If my lawyer is right, and the whole reason Trump loses Wisconsin is because of me, I would be scared to death.

Anderson Cooper: Signing legal documents of such consequence that you don’t believe in and you don’t believe the underlying reason for the documents, it’s– I mean, it’s not exactly a profile in courage.

Andrew Hitt: No.

Anderson Cooper: How do you feel about that now?

Andrew Hitt: I mean, terrible. If I knew what I knew now, I wouldn’t have done it. It was kept from us that there was this alternate scheme, alternate motive.

That alleged alternate scheme is a prominent part of special counsel Jack Smith’s indictment of the former president.

JACK SMITH: …charging Donald J. Trump with conspiring to defraud the United States.

According to Smith, what began as a legal strategy in Wisconsin evolved into “a corrupt plan” involving six other states as well.

ARIZONA GOP ELECTORS: Donald J. Trump, of the state of Florida. Number of votes, 11.

Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Michigan’s 2020 legitimate Democratic electors want to set the record straight


MICHIGAN WOMAN: He said we can’t enter.

POLICE: The electors are already here – they’ve been checked in.

Where some of the fake electors couldn’t convince police to let them into the Capitol.

Jack Smith cites this Dec. 6 memo written by Ken Chesebro detailing ways “the Trump campaign can prevent Biden from amassing 270 electoral votes on January 6…” 

Smith alleges the multistate scheme was designed to “create a fake controversy” and “position the vice president… to supplant legitimate electors with [Trump’s] fake electors and certify [him] as president.”

By Jan. 4, according to internal emails, some in the Trump campaign were panicking. They believed the fake electors’ documents from Michigan and Wisconsin hadn’t arrived in Vice President Mike Pence’s Senate office.

Anderson Cooper: Your colleague texted you, “Freakin’ Trump idiots want someone to fly original elector papers to the Senate president.” You wrote, “This is just nuts.” What was nuts about it?

Andrew Hitt: I mean, we have the certification coming on the 6th. Um, how– how do you not have the paperwork?

Anderson Cooper: I mean you’ve said that you only went along with this plan to preserve Trump’s candidacy in the event of a court ruling. January 4th, just two days before January 6th, did you really think that was still possible?

Andrew Hitt: Well, remember, the Wisconsin Supreme Court had been appealed. And so January 4th, it seemed like, yeah, it’s possible that a much more conservative United States Supreme Court could overturn a four-three decision.

To get the paperwork to Washington, they picked Alesha Guenther, then a 23-year-old law school student working part time for Wisconsin’s Republican Party.

Alesha Guenther
Alesha Guenther

60 Minutes

Alesha Guenther: I was on break from law school, um– and wanted to make some extra money (laugh) for– to pay for books and worked for the party for my month off of school. So on January 4th, I got a call from the Executive Director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin, since I was helping out at the time–

Anderson Cooper: What did you think when you got the text?

Alesha Guenther: At first, I didn’t know what it was. And then, he followed up and asked, you know, that the Trump campaign wanted these papers flown out to DC because they had gotten lost in the mail.

Guenther says she picked up the papers here at the state party headquarters, and on Jan. 5 flew to Washington.

ALESHA GUENTHER: So this is the email-

She showed us her email chain with Ken Chesebro and the Trump campaign’s senior advisor, Mike Roman.

Alesha Guenther: -explaining that I should only give the documents to Ken Chesebro. So, um, and then, they asked me to meet up with him outside the Trump Hotel.

 Anderson Cooper: I mean, it sounds very secretive.

Alesha Guenther: Yeah, I thought that that email was pretty odd and dramatic-

Anderson Cooper: And you knew what was happening on January 6th?

Anderson Cooper: -in terms of the– the certification of the vote.

Alesha Guenther: I don’t know if I was very tuned into that. Truly because I thought that a court of law would have need to– needed to overturn the election for those documents to be used. 

Anderson Cooper: Did you know what Chesebro looked like?

Alesha Guenther: So he had actually sent me a selfie.

Anderson Cooper: He– he sent you a selfie–

Alesha Guenther: Yes.

Anderson Cooper: –so that you would know it was him- 

Alesha Guenther: Yeah. 

Anderson Cooper: Can I see it?

Alesha Guenther: Yeah.

She still has the photo saved on her phone.

Anderson Cooper: That’s– that’s Ken Chesebro.

Alesha Guenther: Uh-huh (affirm).

Anderson Cooper: What did he say to you?

Alesha Guenther: He kind of took a dramatic step back, and looked at me, and said, “You might have just made history.”

Ken Chesebro told investigators he delivered the Wisconsin documents to Capitol Hill. The next day, on Jan. 6, he can be seen in videos outside the capitol near conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. 

ADAM SCHIFF: I now want to look even more deeply at the fake electors scheme…

According to the January 6th Select Committee, an aide to Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson tried to arrange to get the fake electors slates to Vice President Pence.

DONALD TRUMP: And I hope Mike is gonna do the right thing, I hope so. I hope so. Because if Mike Pence does the right thing, we win the election.

But Pence’s aide refused, texting “do not give that to him,” according to the committee.

When the Senate chamber had to be evacuated, the real electoral votes in these boxes were taken to safety. and when Congress resumed, they were returned into the House chamber.

MIKE PENCE: Pursuant to Senate concurrent resolution…

Vice President Pence announced the election results and closed the session at 3:44 a.m. Jan. 7.

The Supreme Court ultimately declined to hear the Trump campaign’s lawsuit in Wisconsin.

Anderson Cooper: What do you think about Donald Trump continuing to claim that the 2020 election was stolen?

Andrew Hitt: I mean, it wasn’t stolen. It wasn’t stolen in Wisconsin.

This past December, Andrew Hitt and Wisconsin’s other Republican electors settled a civil lawsuit against them by some of the state’s Democratic electors. They admitted they signed a document that was “used as part of an attempt to improperly overturn the 2020 presidential election results.”

Hitt resigned as chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party in August 2021.

He’s cooperated with the January 6th committee.

ANDREW HITT, SOT: -using our electors in ways that we weren’t told about, um, and we wouldn’t have supported.

And, he says, he’s also cooperated with federal prosecutors. He maintains he and the other fake electors in Wisconsin were tricked. 

Andrew Hitt: Whenever anybody sees our text messages, our emails, our documents, they understand, they know they- their conclusion is we were tricked.
The January 6th Committee saw it. Jack Smith specifically in his indictment refers to some of the electors were tricked. That was us. 

Anderson Cooper: The former president is known to watch “60 Minutes.” If he’s watching, what would you want to say to him?

Andrew Hitt: I would say that this country needs to move forward. That we need a leader who is– tackles serious problems and serious issues that this country faces. And we need faith in our institutions again. And the next president of the United States needs to do that.

Anderson Cooper: And in your opinion, that’s not him.

Andrew Hitt: That is not him. Correct.

Produced by Sarah Koch. Associate producer, Madeleine Carlisle. Broadcast associate, Grace Conley. Edited by April Wilson.

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Sabrina Carpenter on “Short n’ Sweet”




At just over five feet tall, Sabrina Carpenter is one of the giants of the pop world. Her latest album, “Short n’ Sweet,” debuted at #1. But that’s not the half of it: Her first three singles – “Espresso,” “Please Please Please” and “Taste” – all hit the top five of Billboard’s Hot 100 in the same week. The only other music act to do that was The Beatles back in 1964.

It’s a testament to her talent, and the will to keep going no matter what.

“Sunday Morning” met Carpenter at a rehearsal studio in rural Pennsylvania, not far from where she grew up – a place to practice her stage show in relative privacy away from the paparazzi. She said it feels like home to her: “The air is better, the water’s better, the bread’s better.”

Her new concert stage is a giant dollhouse, with a piano, a fireplace, a bedroom, and a long, curved staircase that she navigates in heels.

Sabrina Carpenter with correspondent Tracy Smith on the set of Carpenter’s concert show.

CBS News

There’s also an army of support people behind the scenes, but the show itself is all Sabrina. Beneath all the frilly outfits is a backbone of steel. 

Asked what might be the biggest misconception about her, Carpenter laughed, “How much time do we have? I think a misperception is that I don’t write my music. I think a lot of people think because I have, you know, a producer and co-writers that I love, that I’m sitting in the room on my phone, not writing songs.”

In fact, she wrote or co-wrote all of her recent songs. 

At just 25, with her clever lyrics playing everywhere and her face on the image head to toe on the latest issue of Time magazine, Sabrina Carpenter seems to have just exploded on the music scene. But it took her more than a decade to get here. 

She’s one of four girls born to Elizabeth and David Carpenter, and young Sabrina showed a love of music early on. “They never told me to ‘stop singing,'” she said. “And I think that, like, psychologically, really probably helped me.”

She started posting singing videos on YouTube, and then at 13 she earned a part in the Disney Channel’s “Girl Meets World.” She also kept making music, and by 2020 had already recorded four albums when she landed the lead role in Tina Fey’s Broadway hit, “Mean Girls.” It would be a turning point in her career, but not like she’d hoped. 

“I rehearsed for about three months in New York, and we opened our first two nights, and then COVID humbled me – humbled me very quickly!” she laughed. “Like, I was sent home, and just was like, Wow. I feel like I could do eight shows a week, you know, and I’ve been training for it. And now it’s just, like, silence.”

But the silence was a blessing. Hunkered down at home, Carpenter crafted her deeply personal album, “Emails I Can’t Send.” And when it was released in 2022 it launched her to the next level of fame.

“Nonsense,” from the album “Emails I Can’t Send”:

Sabrina Carpenter – Nonsense (Official Audio) by
Sabrina Carpenter on

She’s learned to live her life under the celebrity microscope. For the past year she’s been dating Irish actor Barry Keoghan, who made a splash in the Oscar-nominated “Banshees of Inisherin.” Last spring Carpenter cast Keoghan as her no-good boyfriend in the music video for her hit “Please Please Please”:

Please please please don’t prove I’m right
Please please please
Don’t bring me to tears when I just did my makeup so nice

Sabrina Carpenter – Please Please Please (Official Video) by
SabrinaCarpenterVEVO on

Despite a wish to keep her personal life personal, Carpenter credited her “not-even-biased opinion” for casting Keoghan: “I was like, ‘Who’s the greatest actor that I can find for this music video?’ And he was next to me in a chair. And he was so excited about it, and he likes the song, which is great, he’s a fan of the song. He does like my music a lot, yeah.”

He’s not alone. Her shows now sell out night after night, something she got a taste of when she opened for Taylor Swift’s blockbuster “Eras” tour last year. 

Singer-songwriter Sabrina Carpenter.

It’s a lot for any 25-year-old, and through it all she credits her mother for helping keep herself grounded. “She’s so selfless, and has been that way her whole life with me and my sisters,” Carpenter said. “I love her so much!”

Asked for the best advice her mom gave her, Carpenter replied, “Not to take everything so seriously all the time. So, that’s been really helpful. … My mom’s such a positive person. I don’t think she’s ever made me feel like what I was doing was too much, ever.”

Carpenter is now eight shows into an international tour, and as her profile keeps growing, so does the pressure. “There’s always gonna be stress, there’s always going to be anxiety, there’s always gonna be drama,” she said. “But for me, like, being able to laugh about it is really important. So, I would say that. And also caffeine. Because without caffeine, I wouldn’t be doing this interview right now!”

Sabrina Carpenter performs “Espresso”:

Sabrina Carpenter – Espresso (Official Video) by
SabrinaCarpenterVEVO on

You can stream the Sabrina Carpenter album “Short n’ Sweet” by clicking on the embed below (Free Spotify registration required to hear the tracks in full):

For more info:

Story produced by John D’Amelio. Editor: Lauren Barnello.

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12- and 13-year-olds arrested in attack on former N.Y. Gov. David Paterson, stepson




2 charged with gang assault in attack on former New York Gov. David Paterson, stepson

2 charged with gang assault in attack on former New York Gov. David Paterson, stepson


NEW YORK — Two youths have been arrested in connection to Friday night’s attack on former New York Gov. David Paterson and his stepson Anthony Sliwa.

The New York City Police Department says a 12-year-old boy and a 13-year-old boy were arrested Saturday and charged with gang assault. Their names are not being released.

Police initially reported they were searching for five individuals in connection with the attack, and they may still be looking for more suspects.

David Paterson, stepson Anthony Sliwa attacked on New York City’s Upper East Side

According to police, Paterson, 70, and his 20-year-old stepson were victims of a gang assault along Second Avenue on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

Paterson said it started when he and his stepson were walking their dog and saw three people climbing up a fire escape. Paterson said his stepson threatened to call the police and got into a brief argument with the individuals before they returned home.

About 45 minutes later, the two went back outside, and Paterson says the crowd grew, possibly recognizing his stepson from the first encounter, and became violent. Paterson said he was punched in the face and the shoulder, and his stepson was knocked to the ground.

Saturday, both Paterson and Sliwa’s father, Guardian Angels founder and former mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa, spoke out.

“When they were insulting him and starting to fight him, he didn’t back down. And I think that took a lot of courage, a lot of bravery,” Paterson said.

“He did the right thing. And then when they attacked him, he did the right thing to protect David Paterson,” Curtis Sliwa said.

Paterson and his stepson were taken to a local hospital but have since been released as they continue to recover. Paterson said his stepson needed five stitches on his lower lip and suffered multiple bruises.

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Preserving stories of the Israel-Gaza conflict through art




Preserving stories of the Israel-Gaza conflict through art – CBS News

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After the terror group Hamas massacred Israelis on October 7, 2023, the National Library of Israel in Jerusalem began collecting art, memorabilia, tributes and oral testimonies that speak to the horror of that time for its archives. Their growing collection of millions of items, called “Bearing Witness,” aims to be the definitive record of that terrible day and its aftermath. Likewise, the Palestinian Museum in the West Bank city of Birzeit has been collecting and displaying artwork by Gazan artists that document the devastation of the ongoing war. Correspondent Seth Doane talks with curators about bridging the cultural and political rift through art, and preserving the human stories that, they say, must be told.

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