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“The Dexter Killer:” Inside the mind of a murderer




Gilles turned around and came face to face with a man in a hockey mask.

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

A look at the evidence in “The Dexter Killer” case; plus, letters from the man police say wanted to be like fictional serial-killer Dexter Morgan.  

An important piece of evidence was the hockey mask the killer wore when he attacked his two victims in October of 2008. Gilles Tetreault managed to escape the assault, but Johnny Altinger was murdered by the masked man.

Gilles Tetreault: The first targeted victim

Gilles Tetreault

CBS News

On October 3, 2008, Canadian man Gilles Tetreault followed directions to a location in Edmonton where he was supposed to meet a woman named “Sheena” he met online.

Deadly directions

A copy of the directions that Gilles Tetreault was sent by

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

A copy of the directions that Gilles Tetreault was sent by “Sheena.” His supposed date had refused to give him the actual address of the house where they were to meet, but instead sent him detailed directions to the location, letting him know that “the garage door will be open for you.” 

The garage

Mark Twitchell garage

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

After Gilles  Tetreault entered through the partially raised door into the darkened garage, he felt someone grab him from behind. 

The attack

A few seconds upon entering, Gilles felt someone grab him from behind and start prodding him with this stun baton.

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Gilles Tetreault quickly realized this wasn’t a date, as he came face to face with a man in a hockey mask who shocked him with this stun baton.

Fight for life

The plastic gun a masked intruder used to order Gilles Tetreault to the ground

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

The masked man took out a gun and ordered Gilles Tetreault to the ground and placed duct tape on his eyes. While Tetreault was on the ground he decided “if I’m going to die, I’d rather go my way than his way.” He got up, ripped the tape from his eyes and grabbed the attacker’s gun. That’s when he discovered it was made of plastic.

The escape

Gilles ran into the alley behind the garage and collapsed at this intersection in front of a couple out for a walk.

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

After a violent struggle, Gilles Tetreault managed to escape from the garage, and quickly drove away.

He failed to report the scare to the police out of embarrassment. With each day that passed,  Tetreault convinced himself the attack wasn’t as serious as he first thought.

Johnny Altinger

Johnny Altinger

Edmonton Journal

But only a week later, the masked man would find his next target, Johnny Altinger, who wouldn’t be as lucky as the first victim. 

An unusual email

After vanishing 3 days earlier, friends and family of Johnny Altinger received a strange email

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

On October 10, 2008, Edmonton man Johnny Altinger vanished after answering a similar dating ad on the website. Concern turned into alarm for Altinger’s friends and family when, three days after he vanished, they received this unusual email from Altinger’s account. They knew this was highly out of character, so they reported him missing to the police.

Movie set turns into a crime scene

The exterior of the garage where Gilles was to meet his date.

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Johnny Altinger’s friends were also able to hand over the directions Johnny had forwarded them before his date. Those directions led police directly to that garage, which turned out to be rented to an aspiring filmmaker named Mark Twitchell. 

Mark Twitchell

Mark Twitchell

Edmonton Journal

Mark Twitchell, 29, had rented the garage space to film his movie “House of Cards.” The short film featured a killer luring men to a garage and murdering them. 

Pools of blood

Forensic tests revealed a large amount of blood had been shed on the garage floor

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

An initial search of the garage uncovered what appeared to be blood spatter, which Twitchell told police came from the “House of Cards” execution scene he was filming. When investigators asked an actor from the film how much fake blood spatter there was from his scene, he responded “None.” Luminol tests later revealed excessive amounts of human blood that wasn’t visible to the naked eye. 

Dexter fan

Scene from

Getty Images

During their investigation, investigators learned that Mark Twitchell was a devoted fan of the Showtime series “Dexter” about an avenging serial killer. Twitchell even posed as Dexter Morgan on Facebook.

The kill room

Mark Twitchell's "kill room"

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Police believed Mark Twitchell’s garage resembled a scene right out of the Showtime series “Dexter.” The garage had plastic sheets covering all the windows, a table with blood spatter, and cleaning supplies laid out.

Altinger’s blood in Twitchell’s car

A photo of Johnny Altinger's blood in mark Twitchell's car trunk

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Johnny Altinger’s blood was found in the trunk of Mark Twitchell’s family car — a discovery which led to the filmmaker’s arrest on Halloween day in 2008.

Twitchell’s weapons

Police believe that Altinger was hit over the head with this pipe before being stabbed to death

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Police believe that Johnny Altinger was hit over the head with this pipe shortly upon entering the darkened garage. He was then stabbed to death.

Murder weapon

Investigators also found a knife in Twitchell's car with blood on both the sheath and knife.

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Investigators found a knife in Mark Twitchell’s car with blood on both the sheath and knife.

Twitchell’s laptop

Police find this laptop in Twitchell's trunk and in the deleted files, a document titled "SK Confessions".

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

The search of the car also led police to discover a deleted file on Mark Twitchell’s laptop called “SK Confessions.” Despite Twitchell telling the police that the document was a screenplay, investigators would come to find out it was a detailed account of Twitchell’s crimes. 

Image from “SK Confessions”

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

Pictured here is the beginning of “SK Confessions,” which would become a key piece of evidence in the case against Mark Twitchell. The first lines read “This story is based on true events. The names and events were altered slightly to protect the guilty. This is the story of my progression into becoming a serial killer.”

Script or diary?

Mark Twitchell drum evidence

Edmonton Crown Prosecution Office

From the hockey mask to the lead pipe to the “Dexter-prepped'” garage, the police noticed that line by line the details in “SK Confessions” were aligning directly with the evidence they found at the crime scene. One passage spoke of the killer trying to burn remains in a barrel; police found this burned barrel inside Mark Twitchell’s garage.

A look at the evidence

Detectives go to the media in search of Twitchell's first victim, hopign he'll come forward

Edmonton Journal

One piece of the puzzle that had the police stumped was the fact that “SK Confessions” spoke of a victim who got away. Find that person, the police thought, and you’ve proved that “SK Confessions” is real and not the fictional screenplay Mark Twitchell claimed it was. Pictured here is a detective holding up a photo of the hockey mask that authorities believed anyone who had escaped from Twitchell would remember.

Seeing the hockey mask at this police press conference is what prompted Gilles Tetreault to finally come forward.

Letters from “The Dexter Killer”

Steve Lillebuen

CBS News

While preparing to cover the trial for the Edmonton Journal, Canadian investigative journalist and MacEwan University professor Steve Lillebuen began corresponding with Mark Twitchell after receiving a surprise call from the soon-to-be-convicted killer himself. 

Map to the body

Mark Twitchell map to find body

Edmonton Police

In June 2010, as Mark Twitchell prepared to take the stand at his trial and argue that he had “accidentally” killed Johnny Altinger in self-defense, he decided to finally disclose the location of Altinger’s body. Seen here are Twitchell’s handwritten directions on a Google map. The directions led police to a manhole where Twitchell had dumped Johnny’s remains. 

“No root cause”

Mark Twitchell letter

Mark Twitchell letter

During their correspondence, Steve Lillebuen pressed Mark Twitchell to explain himself but he wasn’t able to get a satisfactory answer from Twitchell. 

“It is what it is”

Mark Twitchell letter

Mark Twitchell letter

In the excerpt shown here, Mark Twitchell states, “It is what it is and I am what I am.” 

“The Devil’s Cinema”

"The Devil's Cinema"

McClelland & Stewart

Steve Lillebuen writes about these letters in his book “The Devil’s Cinema: The Untold Story Behind Mark Twitchell’s Kill Room.”

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Trump levies more personal attacks on Harris in Wisconsin rally




Former President Donald Trump meandered Saturday through a list of grievances against Vice President Kamala Harris and other issues during an event intended to link his Democratic opponent to illegal border crossings.

A day after Harris discussed immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump spoke to a crowd in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, about immigration. He blamed Harris for migrants committing crimes after entering the U.S. illegally, alleging she was responsible for “erasing our border.”

“I will liberate Wisconsin from the mass migrant invasion,” he said. “We’re going to liberate the country.”

The Republican nominee also intensified his personal attacks against Harris, insulting her as “mentally impaired” and a “disaster.”

“Joe Biden became mentally impaired,” Trump said. “Kamala was born that way. She was born that way. And if you think about it, only a mentally disabled person could have allowed this to happen to our country. Anybody would know this.”

The personal attacks have been something of a trend for Trump since Harris entered the race. In July, Trump falsely questioned Harris’ racial identity during a panel with the National Association of Black Journalists.

“I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago when she happened to turn Black and now she wants to be known as Black,” Trump said at the time. “So I don’t know, is she Indian, or is she Black?”

When asked in an interview with CBS News last month if he believes the personal attacks will hurt him with voters, he responded, “No, I don’t think so.”

Trump, meanwhile, hopes frustration over illegal immigration will translate to votes in Wisconsin and other crucial swing states. The Republican nominee has denounced people who cross the U.S.-Mexico border as “poisoning the blood of the country” and vowed to stage the largest deportation operation in American history if elected. And polls show Americans believe Trump would do a better job than Harris on handling immigration.

Trump shifted from topic to topic so quickly that it was hard to keep track of what he meant at times. He talked about the two assassination attempts against him and blamed the U.S. Secret Service for not being able to hold a large outdoor rally instead of an event in a smaller indoor space. But he also offered asides about climate change, Harris’ father, how his beach body was better than President Biden’s, and a fly that was buzzing near him.

“I wonder where the fly came from,” he said. “Two years ago, I wouldn’t have had a fly up here. You’re changing rapidly. But we can’t take it any longer. We can’t take it any longer.”

Trump repeatedly brought up Harris’ Friday event in Douglas, Arizona, where she announced a push to further restrict asylum claims beyond Biden’s executive order announced earlier this year. Harris denounced Trump’s handling of the border while president and his opposing a bipartisan border package earlier this year, saying Trump “prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem.”

“I had to sit there and listen” to Harris last night Trump said, eliciting cheers. “And who puts it on? Fox News. They should not be allowed to put it on. It’s all lies. Everything she says is lies.”

Trump professed not to understand what Harris meant when she said he was responsible for taking children from their parents. Under his administration, border agents separated children from their parents at the U.S.-Mexico border in a policy that was condemned globally as inhumane and one that Trump himself ended under pressure from his own party.

Harris, at a rally in San Francisco, told supporters there were “two very different visions for our nation” and voters see it “every day on the campaign trail.”

“Donald Trump is the same old tired show,” she said. “The same tired playbook we have heard for years.”

She said Trump was “a very unserious man.”

“However the consequences of putting him back in the White House are extremely serious,” she said.

The Harris campaign Saturday again challenged Trump to a second debate, this time in the form of a football-themed television ad. Following his Wisconsin rally, Trump traveled to Tuscaloosa, Alabama, to attend the Alabama-Georgia football game Saturday evening, and the Harris campaign premiered the ad during the game.

“Champions know its anytime, anyplace, but losers, they whine and waffle,” the ad’s narrator said.  

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How former Idaho state trooper Dan Howard was arrested for his wife’s murder




Kendy Howard was found dead in her bathtub. While dispatched as a suicide, clues at the scene made Kootenai County authorities suspicious. Here’s a look at the case:

A 26-year marriage

Dan and Kendy Howard
Dan and Kendy Howard

Brian Wilkins

Dan and Kendy Howard had been married since 1994. By 2021, Dan Howard had gone from working as an Idaho State Trooper to working in the Alaskan oil fields for three weeks at a time.

Kendy seeks divorce

Kendy Howard
Kendy Howard

Brian Wilkins

On Jan. 28, 2021, just five days before she died, Kendy Howard picked Dan Howard up from the airport and told him she wanted a divorce. She described Dan’s reaction to a friend as having been “not good.” 

Dan Howard’s call to 911

Dan Howard
Dan Howard was once a Idaho State Police trooper.

Kootenai County Prosecuting Attorney

On the night of Feb. 2, 2021, at 10:43 p.m., Dan Howard called 911, screaming Kendy had shot herself. “She’s in the bathtub dead …”

The call was dispatched as a suicide. 

Dan Howard at the scene

 Kootenai County Sheriff’s Deputy Miranda Thomas was one of the first responders to arrive at the Howards’ home.

Kootenai County District Court

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Deputy Miranda Thomas was one of the first officers to arrive. Thomas said she witnessed Dan Howard screaming, crying and gagging. 

Kendy Howard found in the bathtub

Howard bathroom
Kendy Howard was found dead in the bathtub with a gunshot wound to her head.

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office

Caption: Kendy Howard was found dead, naked in the bathtub of her home, with a gunshot wound to her head. Kendy’s gun was submerged in the bathwater. 

A packed duffle bag

Duffle bag at Howard home
Deputy Thomas noticed a packed duffle bag filled with women’s clothing at the bottom of the stairs at the Howard home. 

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office

Thomas noticed a duffle bag with what she said seemed to be women’s clothing packed inside. 

A clue on the dryer

Dryer at the home of Kendy and Dan Howard
When first responders arrived to the Howard home, the clothes dryer was running. It was full of clean bath towels and mats. 

Kootenai County District Court

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Detective Jerry Northrup said that in the dryer he observed “bathmats and towels … and they were still somewhat warm,” which he said led him to question when the cycle had been started.

How did Kendy Howard really die?

Kendy Howards's gun
Kendy Howard’s own pistol which was found at the bottom of the tub.

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office

Kendy Howard’s gun was found in the bathtub. Investigators said they would have expected to see a lot more blood in the bathtub if she had been alive when she was shot.

Kendy’s daughter accuses Dan Howard

Kendy Howard’s daughter, Brooke Wilkins.

CBS News

When Dan Howard called his stepdaughter Brooke Wilkins with the news of Kendy’s death, investigators said they could overhear Wi accuse Dan of killing her mother. Despite their suspicions, detectives said there was not enough evidence at the scene to arrest Dan.

Dan Howard arrested

Dan Howard booking photo
In April 2023, Dan Howard was charged with murder. He was also charged with domestic battery from an incident seven months before Kendy’s death.

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office

It took two years for prosecutors to build their case. In July, 2023, Dan Howard was arrested and charged with Kendy Howard’s murder. 

Dan Howard on trial

Dan Howard
Dan Howard at his trial for the murder ofn his wife Kendy.


On March 4, 2024, the trial of Dan Howard began. The prosecution claimed Dan had killed Kendy by putting her in a carotid restraint hold – a maneuver he had learned in his law enforcement training. The defense maintained that Kendy’s death was a suicide. After 10 days of testimony, 62 witnesses, and just over eight hours of deliberations, a verdict was reached.

Dan Howard found guilty

On March 19, 2024, the jury found Dan Howard guilty of second-degree murder and domestic battery.

Life in prison

Dan Howard sentencing hearing
Dan Howard make a plea for leniency at his sentencing.


At Dan Howard’s sentencing hearing in May 2024, Judge Lamont Berecz told him, “You killed a mother. You killed a grandmother. You killed a sister … You snuffed that out because of your own pride, greed, and anger.” Dan Howard was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole

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SpaceX launches capsule that will give Starliner crew a ride home




SpaceX launches capsule that will give Starliner crew a ride home – CBS News

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A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket blasted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, on Saturday with a NASA astronaut and a Russian cosmonaut aboard a Crew Dragon capsule that normally carries four. That is because the Crew Dragon’s two empty seats will be used to give two Boeing Starliner astronauts a ride back to Earth next February. Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams were part of Boeing’s first crewed test flight of its Starliner, and though it got them to the International Space Station back in June, problems with its propulsion system prompted NASA to look for another ride. Manuel Bojorquez reports.

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