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Family members of 9/11 victims call on Harris and Trump to oppose U.S.-Saudi deal




More than 3,000 family members of victims from the 9/11 terrorist attacks are calling on both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump to oppose any Middle East peace deal with Saudi Arabia until the U.S. government holds the country accountable for any role it might have played on Sept. 11.

In the letter first obtained by CBS News, the families point to 1999 video footage of a Saudi government agent “casing” the U.S. Capitol as proof of Saudi involvement. “60 Minutes” reported on the video for the first time in June.

“As you campaign to become the next President of the United States, we ask you to pledge that you will not endorse any Middle East peace deal involving Saudi Arabia unless it fully addresses the role of the Saudi Arabian government in the 9/11 attacks,” the letter reads. “Justice and closure for the victims and their families must be a priority in our foreign policy.”

The letter was organized by 9/11 Justice, an organization formed in 2022 to represent families of victims of the terrorist attacks in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania. The group has sued the Saudi government and pushed the U.S. government to declassify all remaining documents about 9/11.

The Biden administration has been pushing for several agreements between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia that include defense guarantees and civil nuclear cooperation, as well as one to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. 

CBS News has reached out to both the Harris and Trump campaigns about the letter and the families’ request for them to oppose a deal.

Fifteen of the 19 al Qaeda hijackers who flew planes into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a field in Pennsylvania were from Saudi Arabia, but potential links between the Saudi government and the terrorists remained shrouded in mystery for years. 

In 2016, a long-classified portion of a congressional inquiry known as the “28 pages” became public for the first time. The investigation found evidence that some of the hijackers “were in contact with, and received support or assistance from, individuals who may be connected to the Saudi Government.” 

In September 2021, Mr. Biden issued an executive order directing the release of more 9/11-related documents. 

Brett Eagleson, the president of 9/11 Justice, said the families got more clarity about Saudi Arabia’s role in the terrorist attacks after the video of Omar al-Bayoumi, whom the FBI said was a Saudi intelligence operative, was obtained by British police and unsealed in federal court in June.

Eagleson, who lost his father in the 9/11 attacks in New York, said he’s looking to shine a spotlight on their cause before the Sept. 10 presidential debate hosted by ABC News in Philadelphia.

“These two candidates for office are going to be debating for the highest office in our land, less than a hundred miles away from [New York City], the night before the 23rd anniversary of 9/11,” he said. “We think this is a critical issue. We think these two should address it. And we hope this pledge helps us do that.”

As a 2020 presidential candidate, Harris was critical of Saudi Arabia after the 2018 killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and backed a 2019 Senate bill calling for a public report about it. In an August 2019 questionnaire from the Council on Foreign Relations, Harris said the Saudis have been “strong partners” on counterterrorism but said the U.S. should “fundamentally reevaluate our relationship” and “us[e] our leverage to stand up for American values and interests.”

Trump initially vowed “severe punishment” for Saudi Arabia if the country was behind the 2018 killing of Khashoggi, but soon changed his tune and frequently stressed the importance of the U.S.-Saudi relationship.

“[W]e may never know all of the facts surrounding the murder of Mr. Jamal Khashoggi. In any case, our relationship is with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They have been a great ally in our very important fight against Iran,” he said in a statement in November 2018. The U.S. intelligence community concluded that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was behind the killing, which he denies.

In July, the Trump Organization announced plans to build a new tower in Saudi Arabia, and spoke with the crown prince earlier this year, according to the New York Times. Trump has repeatedly touted the Abraham Accords he signed in September 2020, which aimed to normalize relations between Israel, the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. 

9/11 Justice has criticized Trump for hosting the Saudi-backed LIV Golf Tour at his Bedminister golf club in New Jersey in 2022. Trump defended hosting the tournament, and said, “I’ve known these people for a long time in Saudi Arabia and they have been friends of mine for a long time.” His clubs have hosted several LIV events in the years since.

President Biden’s proposed bilateral deal between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia would require ratification from the Senate, a virtual impossibility before Congress recesses for the fall campaign season.

“If there’s any peace deal to be had that involves the United States and weapons sales or collective security agreements, none of that should happen until Saudi Arabia addresses and is held accountable for what it did 23 years ago,” said Eagleson.

Members of the 9/11 Justice group were also active leading up to the 2020 election, before the group was formed. They met with Trump in September 2019 to push for declassification of 9/11 documents to help with their civil suit against the Saudi government, though then-Attorney General Bill Barr invoked the state secrets privilege to keep the documents hidden from view. 

Mr. Biden also interacted with some members of the group when he was a candidate. As attorneys representing family members of 9/11 victims were in the middle of a lawsuit against Saudi Arabia, Mr. Biden sent a letter to their lawyers in October 2020 criticizing the Trump administration’s move to invoke the privilege regarding 9/11 related documents. 

Mr. Biden added he would direct his attorney general to examine each case where that privilege is recommended, and “err on the side of disclosure” when events in question occurred two decades or longer ago.

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CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted dozens of women gets 30 years in prison as victims stare him down




A longtime CIA officer who drugged, photographed and sexually assaulted more than two dozen women in postings around the world was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison Wednesday after an emotional hearing in which victims described being deceived by a man who appeared kind, educated and part of an agency “that is supposed to protect the world from evil.”

Brian Jeffrey Raymond, with a graying beard and orange prison jumpsuit, sat dejectedly as he heard his punishment for one of the most egregious misconduct cases in the CIA’s history. It was chronicled in his own library of more than 500 images that showed him in some cases straddling and groping his nude, unconscious victims.

“It’s safe to say he’s a sexual predator,” U.S. Senior Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly said in imposing the full sentence prosecutors had requested. “You are going to have a period of time to think about this.”

Prosecutors say the 48-year-old Raymond’s assaults date to 2006 and tracked his career in Mexico, Peru and other countries, all following a similar pattern.

He would lure women he met on Tinder and other dating apps to his government-leased apartment and drug them while serving wine and snacks. Once they were unconscious, he spent hours posing their naked bodies before photographing and assaulting them. He opened their eyelids at times and stuck his fingers in their mouths.

  Brian Jeffrey Raymond

U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico

One by one, about a dozen of Raymond’s victims who were identified only by numbers in court recounted how the longtime spy upended their lives. Some said they only learned what happened after the FBI showed them the photos of being assaulted while unconscious.

“My body looks like a corpse on his bed,” one victim said of the photos. “Now I have these nightmares of seeing myself dead.”

One described suffering a nervous breakdown. Another spoke of a recurring trance that caused her to run red lights while driving. Many told how their confidence and trust in others had been shattered forever.

“I hope he is haunted by the consequences of his actions for the rest of his life,” said one of the women, who like others stared Raymond down as they walked away from the podium.

Reading from a statement, Raymond told the judge that he has spent countless hours contemplating his “downward spiral.”

“It betrayed everything I stand for and I know no apology will ever be enough,” he said. “There are no words to describe how sorry I am. That’s not who I am and yet it’s who I became.”

In October 2021, the FBI issued a notice to the public, seeking other potential victims of and additional information about Raymond, saying that some women depicted in the incriminating photos and videos remain unidentified.

In a statement Wednesday, authorities praised all the victims who came forward.

“The FBI thanks the brave women who shared information that furthered this investigation,” said

FBI Assistant Director in Charge David Sundberg of the Washington Field Office. “We recognize our domestic and foreign law enforcement partners who helped bring Raymond to justice for his reprehensible crimes.”

Raymond’s sentencing comes amid a reckoning on sexual misconduct at the CIA. The Associated Press reported last week that another veteran CIA officer faces state charges in Virginia for allegedly reaching up a co-worker’s skirt and forcibly kissing her during a drunken party in the office.

Still another former CIA employee – an officer trainee – is scheduled to face a jury trial next month on charges he assaulted a woman with a scarf in a stairwell at the agency’s Langley, Virginia, headquarters. That case emboldened some two dozen women to come forward to authorities and Congress with accounts of their own of sexual assaults, unwanted touching and what they contend are the CIA’s efforts to silence them.

And yet the full extent of sexual misconduct at the CIA remains a classified secret in the name of national security, including a recent 648-page internal watchdog report that found systemic shortcomings in the agency’s handling of such complaints.

“The classified nature of the activities allowed the agency to hide a lot of things,” said Liza Mundy, author of “Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA.” The male-dominated agency, she said, has long been a refuge for egregious sexual misconduct. “For decades, men at the top had free rein.”

CIA has publicly condemned Raymond’s crimes and implemented sweeping reforms intended to keep women safe, streamline claims and more quickly discipline offenders.

Last year, the CIA announced the appointment of Dr. Taleeta Jackson, a seasoned psychologist who previously led the Sexual Assault Prevention Program at the U.S. Navy, as the new head of a dedicated sexual assault and prevention office at CIA.

“There is absolutely no excuse for Mr. Raymond’s reprehensible, appalling behavior,” the agency said Wednesday. “As this case shows, we are committed to engaging with law enforcement.”

But a veil of secrecy still surrounds the Raymond case nearly four years after his arrest. Even after Raymond pleaded guilty late last year, prosecutors have tiptoed around the exact nature of his work and declined to disclose a complete list of the countries where he assaulted women.

Still, they offered an unbridled account of Raymond’s conduct, describing him as a “serial offender” whose assaults increased over time and become “almost frenetic” during his final CIA posting in Mexico City, where he was discovered in 2020 after a naked woman screamed for help from his apartment balcony.

U.S. officials scoured Raymond’s electronic devices and began identifying the victims he had listed by name and physical characteristics, all of whom described experiencing some form of memory loss during their time with him.

One victim said Raymond seemed like a “perfect gentleman” when they met in Mexico in 2020, recalling only that they kissed. Unbeknownst to the woman, after she blacked out, he took 35 videos and close-up photos of her breasts and genitals.

“The defendant’s manipulation often resulted in women blaming themselves for losing consciousness, feeling ashamed, and apologizing to the defendant,” prosecutors wrote in a court filing. “He was more than willing to gaslight the women, often suggesting that the women drank too much and that, despite their instincts to the contrary, nothing had happened.”

Raymond, a San Diego native and former White House intern who is fluent in Spanish and Mandarin, ultimately pleaded guilty to four of 25 federal counts including sexual abuse, coercion and transportation of obscene material. As part of his sentence, the judge ordered him to pay $10,000 to each of his 28 victims.

Raymond’s attorneys had sought leniency, contending his “quasi-military” work at the CIA in the years following 9/11 became a breeding ground for the emotional callousness and “objectification of other people” that enabled his years of preying upon women.

“While he was working tirelessly at his government job, he ignored his own need for help, and over time he began to isolate himself, detach himself from human feelings and become emotionally numb,” defense attorney Howard Katzoff wrote in a court filing.

“He was an invaluable government worker, but it took its toll on him and sent him down a dark path.”

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Python squeezes Thai woman in her kitchen for 2 hours before she’s rescued by police




Bangkok — A 64-year-old woman was preparing to do her evening dishes at her home outside Bangkok when she felt a sharp pain in her thigh and looked down to see a huge python taking hold of her.

“I was about to scoop some water and when I sat down it bit me immediately,” Arom Arunroj told Thailand’s Thairath newspaper. “When I looked I saw the snake wrapping around me.”

The 13-to-16-foot-long python coiled itself around her torso, squeezing her down to the floor of her kitchen.

“I grabbed it by the head, but it wouldn’t release me,” she said. “It only tightened.”

Thailand Snake Attack
A photo provided by Kunyakit Thanawtchaikun shows a python coiled around the torso of Arom Arunro, squeezing her down to the floor of her kitchen in Samut Prakan province, Thailand, Sept. 17, 2024.

Kunyakit Thanawtchaikun/AP

Pythons are non-venomous constrictors, which kill their prey by gradually squeezing the breath out of it.

Propped up against her kitchen door, she cried for help but it wasn’t until a neighbor happened to be walking by about an hour and a half later and heard her screams that authorities were called.

Responding police officer Anusorn Wongmalee told The Associated Press on Thursday that when he arrived the woman was still leaning against her door, looking exhausted and pale, with the snake coiled around her.

Police and animal control officers used a crowbar to hit the snake on the head until it released its grip and slithered away before it could be captured.

In all, Arom spent about two hours on Tuesday night in the clutches of the python before being freed.

She was treated for several bites but appeared to be otherwise unharmed in videos of her talking to Thai media shortly after the incident.

Encounters with snakes are not uncommon in Thailand, and last year 26 people were killed by venomous snake bites, according to government statistics. A total of 12,000 people were treated for venomous bites by snakes and other animals 2023.

The reticulated python is the largest snake found in Thailand and usually ranges in size from 5 to 21 feet, weighing up to about 165 pounds. They have been found as big as 33 feet long and 287 pounds.

Smaller pythons feed on small mammals such as rats, but larger snakes switch to prey such as pigs, deer and even domestic dogs and cats. Attacks on humans are not common, though do happen occasionally.

There have also been fatal attacks in Indonesia, where a woman was found inside the belly of a reticulated python that swallowed her whole in June — the fifth person to be devoured by one of the snakes in the country since 2017.

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After Tyre Nichols’ fatal beating, Memphis officer texted photo of bloodied man to ex-girlfriend, she testifies




A former Memphis police officer charged in the fatal beating of Tyre Nichols sent his ex-girlfriend a photo of the badly injured man on the night he was punched, kicked and hit with a police baton following a traffic stop, according to trial testimony Wednesday.

Brittany Leake, a Memphis officer and Demetrius Haley’s former girlfriend, testified during the criminal trial that she was on the phone with Haley when officers pulled Nichols over for a traffic stop. She said she heard a “commotion,” including verbal orders for someone to give officers his hands.

The call ended, but Haley later texted the photo in a group chat comprising Haley, Leake and her godsister, she testified. Prosecutors displayed the photo for the jury. It showed Nichols with his eyes closed, on the ground with what appeared to be blood near his mouth and his hands behind his back.

Leake said that when she saw the photo, her reaction was: “Oh my God, he definitely needs to go to the Med.”

The Med is shorthand for Memphis’ trauma hospital.

The fatal beating, caught on police bodycams and street surveillance cameras, has sparked protests and calls for police reform. Officers said they pulled over Nichols for reckless driving, but Memphis’ police chief said there was no evidence to substantiate that claim.

Haley, Tadarrius Bean and Justin Smith are on trial after pleading not guilty to charges that they deprived Nichols of his civil rights through excessive force and failure to intervene, and obstructed justice through witness tampering. Their trial began Sept. 9 and is expected to run three to four weeks. 

Tyre Nichols
Former Memphis police officer Demetrius Haley arrives at the federal courthouse for the second day of jury selection for the trial in the Tyre Nichols case Tuesday, Sept. 10, 2024, in Memphis, Tenn.

George Walker IV / AP

The Memphis Police Department fired the three men, along with Emmitt Martin III and Desmond Mills Jr., after Nichols’ death. The beating was caught on police video, which was released publicly. The officers were later indicted on the federal charges. Martin and Mills have taken plea deals.

During her testimony Wednesday, Leake said she deleted the photo after she saw it and that sending such a photo is against police policy.

“I wasn’t offended, but it was difficult to look at,” she said.

Leake said Haley had sent her photos before of drugs, and of a person who had been injured in a car accident.

Earlier Wednesday, Martin was on the witness stand for a third day. Defense attorneys tried to show inconsistencies between Martin’s statements to investigators and his court testimony. Martin acknowledged lying about what happened to Memphis Police Department internal investigators, to try to cover up and “justify what I did.”

But Martin said he told the truth to FBI investigators after he pleaded guilty in August, including statements about feeling pressure on his duty belt where his gun was located during the traffic stop, but not being able to see if Nichols was trying to get his gun. Martin has testified that he said “let go of my gun” during the traffic stop.

Martin Zummach, the attorney for Justin Smith, asked Martin if he knew of any reasons why Nichols did not simply say, “I give up.”

“He’s out of it,” Martin said. “Disoriented.”

Martin testified that the situation escalated quickly when Haley pulled his gun and violently yanked Nichols from his car, using expletives and failing to tell Nichols why he had been pulled over and removed from the vehicle.

“He never got a chance to comply,” Martin said.

Nichols, who was Black, was pepper sprayed and hit with a stun gun during the traffic stop, but ran away, police video shows. The five officers, who also are Black, then beat him about a block from his home, as he called out for his mother.

Video shows the officers milling about and talking as Nichols struggled with his injuries. Nichols died Jan. 10, 2023, three days after the beating.

An autopsy report shows Nichols – the father of a boy who is now 7 – died from blows to the head. The report describes brain injuries, and cuts and bruises on his head and elsewhere on his body.

Jesse Guy testified that he was working as a paramedic for the Memphis Fire Department the night of the beating. He arrived at the location after two emergency medical technicians, Robert Long and JaMichael Sandridge.

Guy said he was not told about the medical problems Nichols had experienced before he arrived, and that Nichols was injured, seated on the ground and unresponsive.

Nichols had no pulse and was not breathing, and it “felt like he was lifeless,” Guy said.

In the ambulance, Guy performed CPR and provided mechanical ventilation, and Nichols had a pulse by the time he arrived at the hospital, the paramedic said.

Guy said Long and Sandridge did not say if they had checked Nichols’ pulse and heart rate, and they did not report if they had given him oxygen. When asked by one of Bean’s lawyers whether that information would have been helpful in treating Nichols, Guy said yes.

Long and Sandridge were fired for violating fire department policies after Nichols died. They have not been criminally charged.

The five officers also have been charged with second-degree murder in state court, where they pleaded not guilty. Mills and Martin are expected to change their pleas.

Federal prosecutors have previously recommended a 40-year sentence for Martin. A date has not been set in state court yet.

Nichols worked for FedEx, and he enjoyed skateboarding and photography. The city of Sacramento, where Nichols grew up, named a skatepark in his honor. “Tyre fell in love with skateboarding at a young age and it wasn’t long before it became a part of his lifestyle,” states the resolution approved by the city council. He had a tattoo of his mother’s name.

“Tyre Nichols’ family have been praying for justice and accountability from the very beginning of this tragedy,” Ben Crump and Antonio Romanucci, the civil rights attorneys representing Nichols’ family, said in a statement when the trial began. 

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